
Witch and sorcerer magic grew out of practicality and necessity. At the most basic levels, they are rooted in protection, designed to aid the spellcaster when a dangerous or threatening situation. Spells are not 'fun' or entertaining; there are no spells to create food from thin air or create a magical bag of holding. The primary difference between witch and sorcerer spellcasting is the focus of their magic. Witches specialize in defense and healing; sorcerers in offense and illusion.

Witches can cast sorcerer spells and vice-versa. Each is naturally best at his/her own magic, but an excellent witch can out-cast a decent sorcerer in his own magic…and vice-versa. Training and commitment are more important than innate ability.

Spells are learned in levels, and many are just building blocks to gain access to higher levels of a spell.1 Once a Basic spell is mastered, it's not unusual for a witch to move on to an Intermediate level spell, and forget the original basic spell in favor of the more powerful one. All spells must be learned in order. One cannot skip right to an Advanced spell without the proper steps between Basic and Intermediate to achieve it.

The following is only a partial list of spells. There is no complete compendium of witch (or sorcerer) spells. Spells are identified by B(asic), I(ntermediate), and A(dvanced.)2

Name Level Description
anti-barrier A breaks through sorcerer barrier spell
binding A holds target, requires concentration
calm I calms a living being (person or animal)
conceal I hides an object
conceal (person) A hides self or target, movement breaks
extinguish I extinguish a small flame
healing B, I, A healing spells of varying strengths
light B produces a small candle flame type light
light ball I produces a small sphere of light
lock B, I, A applies locks of varying strengths
perimeter A boundary spell, sets off mental alarm if crossed
privacy A can speak and will be heard only by target
sensing A sense living beings
unlock B, I, A unsecures locks

NOTE: Describing a witch's powers and spells in detail is particularly difficult to do given the variation in witch skills and the flexibility of magic. If you are playing a witch, and are wondering if a spell would be possible or if a witch would have access to it, it would be best to contact Staff for discussion and clarification.


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