by Siobhan Knight
14 Jun 2012 03:12 (updated 14 Jun 2012 21:05) | 3 comment(s)
FROM: Siobhan Knight <ude.drailliuj|thginks#ude.drailliuj|thginks>
TO: Jenna Donovan <ude.uynhcsit|navonodj#ude.uynhcsit|navonodj>
SUBJECT: Fate Hates Me
I'm sorry I didn't call when I got home, and then was really weird on Twitter.
You know how the studio offers up space to other dance instructors who rely on university space or other things over the summer, so there's usually some sort of ballroom dance or something going on? Well, mom's friend Faiza is giving beginning belly dance classes.
Mrs. Middleton signed up.
Jesse dropped her off.
FROM: Jenna Donovan <ude.uynhcsit|navonodj#ude.uynhcsit|navonodj>
TO: Siobhan Knight <ude.drailliuj|thginks#ude.drailliuj|thginks>
SUBJECT: RE: Fate Hates Me
It's okay, Shiv. I know you have a life outside of our friendship! I was going to call and ask why you sounded so off tonight but Harper's blaring his music so loudly I doubt you'd be able to hear me. We had a… family dinner tonight… and mother started in on him as to why he's not got a girlfriend up at MIT, and he sort've lost it.
Oh wow. Something about old people doing belly dancing is kind've creepy, don't you think? But I mean, I guess it's better than them taking one of those pole dancing exercise classes or whatever. That's just really creepy.
Okay, that's it. I'm sending a car. Bring your overnight bag. We'll do our thing and just have some fun and maybe you can stop and shoe shop with me in the AM before you go to the studio.
Jesse doesn't know what an idiot he is for letting you go.
Love ya,
J <3
FROM: Siobhan Knight <ude.drailliuj|thginks#ude.drailliuj|thginks>
TO: Jenna Donovan <ude.uynhcsit|navonodj#ude.uynhcsit|navonodj>
SUBJECT: RE: Fate Hates Me
Why doesn't he have a girlfriend at MIT? Gawd, I'm a total space case. You'd think I should be happy to hear you say that and my first instinct is to wonder why he's still single.
Yeah, it is a little creepy and weird. Especially when it's my ex's mother in the crowd.
I'll start packing now.
I really thought I was over it, but when I saw him, I felt jilted all over again.
— Shiv
FROM: Jenna Donovan <ude.uynhcsit|navonodj#ude.uynhcsit|navonodj>
TO: Siobhan Knight <ude.drailliuj|thginks#ude.drailliuj|thginks>
SUBJECT: RE: Fate Hates Me
Why does he need one? I think he's just waiting until he's done school and has found a job to get serious about anyone and he doesn't see the point of stringing a girl along or going into a relationship when neither of them is ready.
Well you don't have to be at those classes do you? They're not mandatory? If you do have to be there, I'll try to arrange my schedule so I can be there with you. Back up. Reinforcement. Whatever.
He was your most serious relationship yet. And your first. Of course you're going to feel that way. Probably for a long time.
Just get your cute butt over here and we can dance it out.
Love ya,
J <3