Alexandros Kostas
Alexandros (Xander) Kostas
Portrayed by Billy Zane
Full Name Alexandros Kostas
Race Vampire
Birthday Unrevealed
Age 40 (Unrevealed)
Height 6'
Build Tall, stocky
Eyes Brown
Hair Dark Brown
Faction Vampire
Occupation Imprisoned

Claim to Fame

Former Vampire Master of New York City. Deposed for master minding a plan to decimate the supernatural numbers and bring all the other factions under vampire control.


  • The Vampire Master of New York City, Xander has held this position and title for more than a century, surviving two attempted coups.
  • Xander rose to power after successfully wresting control from the previous Vampire Master.
  • His real age is unknown, but it is accepted, due to the power that other vampires can read from him, that Xander is more than 1,000 years old. It has been rumored that he is near on about 3,000 years old.
  • Deposed after starting a plan that would have led to bloodshed and war between the factions. Currently imprisoned by the Night Council. Location unknown.

Character Details

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This character is only to be played by Staff.

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