Donald Ashcroft
Donald Ashcroft
Portrayed by Stephen Lang
Full Name Donald Ashcroft
Race Human
Birthday March 3
Age 56
Height 5' 10"
Build Muscled
Eyes Gray
Hair Graying Brown
Faction The Priory
Occupation Leader of The NYC Priory Branch

Claim to Fame

Retired Army Colonel and former Army Ranger


  • Retired Army Colonel, was a Ranger until his retirement.
  • Received several medals of accommodation and merit.
  • Was recruited by The Priory while still in the employ of the US Army, and served both roles.
  • Was appointed to the position of the Head of the Priory almost immediately following his retirement from the armed forces.
  • Members of The Priory refer to him as "The Colonel," "Colonel Ash," "Ashcroft," or just "Ash."

Character Details

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<Image <Name> <Race/Class> <Relation> <Notes>


This character is only to be played by Staff or members of The Priory.

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