The Rescue - Part I

Undisclosed Bunker in Maine



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Gideon Hastings Kieran Collins Bryn Blackwell Serafine Roche Christian Knight Rory Bainbridge

They arrive under cover of the night, parking the vehicles about a mile back from where their final destination lies. It's a nearly full moon and they're deep in the country without the poisonous light pollution. The ambient light from the moon and the stars spreading across the clear sky is good for the humans. It means that they won't have to use flashlights or magic lights, and will (hopefully) be able to see in the darkness. Not as well as a vampire or werewolf, but well enough.
"We should be careful," Gideon remarks as they disembark and the groups reunite. "We do not know how many of each supernatural type we will encounter. We may well run into one or two Dolharib."
The Ancient vampire looks around and fixes his gaze on the humans of the group, mostly the Coven witches and Reynard's men, with a last look at Christian Knight. "An ancient order of vampire assassins. They are twisted by bloodlust, and while typically hold their allegiance to the highest order of vampires, the Night Council, a few have gone rogue in recent centuries."
"They are not myths." The last is directed at Collins, whom he suspects might scoff at the existence of the vampires who are rumored to have been created of two bloodlines, the feral and the twisted and bent by Hecanthenos magic. "If we shall encounter one, Aalina and I will handle it."


Kieran bristles at the suggestion of the Dolharib, but says nothing. Humans have the monsters beneath their bed to scare them - vampires, werewolves and demons who like to play with humans or revel with dark fae. The Dolharib were created to scare vampires. Or so Kieran has always believed. Possibly they are soldiers turned to blood lust, but the rest of it - a fledgling's tale.
"Before we go in, we're going to need the magic users to take down the magic barrier. Otherwise they're useless and we won't have any backup."


"Before I send any of the spellcasters in to deal with the barrier, we need to know the numbers around the building." Bryn glances between Gideon and Serafine.
"Serafine, if you would not mind doing a bit of silent scouting? You can give us approximate numbers. Be wary that it is nearing the full moon which means any wolves will be unpredictable in their reactions. Their anger and hormones are higher at this time."
"It would be very helpful if you took another with you."
"Though perhaps not Kieran." A look is given to his friend, and he rubs his hand over the back of his neck. "I know you wish to go, Kieran, but you are likely to kill anyone you run into, and with it being so close to the moon, and having no idea as to where the Maine pack is liable to hang about, I would really prefer if you did not run off and kill innocent wolves. Perhaps Gideon, or Aalina can lend a hand in this?"


"Of course, sugar," Serafine says with a simple nod. The vampiress shows absolutely no hint of offense or argument at what could be perceived as taking orders from a sorcerer.
I love it when you worry about me, but I have dealt with wolves this close to the full moon before. She reaches up and grabs her hair, gathering it in a messy bun at the top and back of her head. It wouldn't do to get it snagged on any branches or to give their enemies anything of which to grab hold.


"I will assist you in scouting, Serafine." Gideon is pulling off his sport jacket as he speaks, and folding it neatly. Once done, he places it inside the van and begins to unbutton and roll up his sleeves. It's all done with meticulous neatness, which seems an odd contrast to what they will be doing. It's an action more suited to a board room than a foot assault.


"Knight." One of Reynard's men steps up, approaching the young witch, but stopping a safe distance from him. "Do you know any offensive sorcerer magic?"
Christian glances briefly over at the Coven witches and the woman Ria, and then nods slowly. It's something that's frowned upon in the Coven, but his father is a sorcerer. "My father taught us a few things."
"Let's discuss what you know and how you're going to use it," the sorcerer says. He holds a hand up when he sees the boy growing indignant and gives a look to Bryn. "You're young and untested. I imagine that Dr. Knight wouldn't be happy if one of his children were injured while rescuing the other."


"Let me go with you." Rory isn't thrilled to pieces to step up and volunteer to go scouting with the vampires, but he has his reasons. "I don't move fast and silent, and I'll stay behind where you've determined it's safe, but I might be able to pick something up if I'm out there."
He looks to Bryn for approval.
"I can shield him," Peter suggests.


Be that as it may, Princess, we do not know if these wolves are even in their right mind. Be careful. A pointed look is given to Serafine, before Bryn turns to continue doing his job.
"Thank you, Gideon." Loosening his own tie, he pockets it before taking any necessary items out of his jacket pocket and slipping them into the pockets in his dress pants. The suit jacket actually comes off and is hung neatly in the back.
"It is fine, Christian. Go learn how to protect yourself. I will take any and all blame that your mother might give in regards to you learning some basic offensive techniques."
"That is fine, Bainbridge. Peter, if you can cast a silence spell around him just to keep him, and yourself from being heard, I would be very grateful."
Turning toward Kieran, he rolls his shoulders slightly. "That leaves the two of us, Aalina, and the witches." Looking toward the few members of the Coven that were willing to help, he smiles. "Ladies, now that we are closer to the site, if you can determine the type of magics that are on the building? Once we know that, we'll know whether we can take it down or not. Then I want every one of you to come back to the vehicle and take a weapon as back up. I know that most of you are adverse to killing, which is fine. Aim for the knees or ankles to immobilize anyone that means you harm, that you cannot cast against."


"Bryn, I really don't think…" Ria looks back at the other women, then wipes a hand over her face. "Macy, go with the Knight boy. You probably won't pick up on the magic, but just make sure he stays safe. I doubt the Reynards are going to harm him but…"
She gives Bryn a look that says if anything does happen to Christian, it's his fault.
"The rest of you, follow me. We should be able to find a nice patch of grass to sit on around here somewhere. We are close enough we can figure out what we'll need to do."


Kieran is less than happy about being told to cool his heels. On the other hand, he knows that Bryn is right. He won't let anyone stand in his way or stop him, and the last thing they need is a war. He mutters about the local werewolves having the good sense to stay away from a dangerous operation, then simply leans against the van.
There's not a whole lot that they can do until the magic is down and the scouts return.


It's not long, relatively speaking, before the scouts return. The two vampires return to the clearing as quietly as they disappeared, followed by Rory and Peter.
"This area isn't frequented by the local pack," Rory tells Bryn upon return. "From what I could pick up, there's been a good bit of skirmishing between the real pack and feral and rogue wolves. I think the latter are the ones that are working with our good friends in the facility."


"Serafine and I could detect at least a dozen wolves. That was by combination of scent and sight," Gideon says. "No vampires were present on the outside, but that's not to say that we won't find some waiting inside."


"We could grab one of them easily," Serafine suggests. "I'm not sure how easily we could manage to interrogate one quietly, but Gideon and I would have no problem getting one away." She suspects the Gideon could easily persuade one via his glamour, provided that the wolf isn't trained, spelled or dosed against it.
"It might give us more information as to who and what's inside. Even if the witches and sorcerers are able to get the barrier down, knowing the layout and what's inside wouldn't be a bad thing."


"Do it."
Bryn has no qualms ordering that, and he looks at Rory. "Good work, Bainbridge."
"The ladies need more time to suss out the type of magic, and figure out an action plan to disable it. The sorcerers need to teach Christian a few things before we go in."
There's another beat, and he glances over at Gideon.
"If you cannot get the information from the one you choose to interrogate, take Collins with you and have him finish them off to blow off a bit of steam before we get inside."
It may seem callous, but if they're dealing with feral, enraged wolves, the best way of getting by them is to dispose of them. He can deal with the fallout afterward, but he's fairly certain the Pack would thank him for cleaning up the forest.


"I'll take Collins with me," Gideon agrees. "I can sense that he will be of some assistance in the capture." If only to stop the vampire from going mad with impatience. Gideon can see it how the other paces, moving between the vehicles and sometimes gazing out into the woods. He will allow Collins the physical exertions so long as the Irish vampire does not kill the intended target. Not until they've gathered information.
"Serafine, if you will stay with Aalina and guard this outpost? Your sight and hearing are far superior and will do to warn the group if someone other than your Maker and I are approaching." It's also so that the group does not feel on edge if Aalina is the only vampire left behind. They may not trust vampires, but Blackwell's comfort with Collins and Serafine communicates a good deal to their travel companions.


Sera nods at Gideon's words and turns to Kieran. A hand is placed to his arm and she holds his gaze. "We need information, Kier. Anything that will get us to Brooke and the others and get them out of there safely." She knows her Maker doesn't care about the others, but the reminder that information is useful should keep him contained.
She waits until the two vampires disappear in the blink of an eye, and slides over to Bryn. Witches and sorcerers are occupied, and Bainbridge has pulled out a laptop. Only Aalina and Peter remain, and both are watching the treeline.
The vampiress slides her hand into her fiance's. You will be careful, too, when we go in there?


"Thank you." Bryn would prefer that Kieran stays behind at the moment, just so he can pull out old schematics and go over the building with him, but with Rory doing that on the laptop, it will be well enough. He can fill the others in as they go.
I will do what is necessary to get Brooke back safely, Serafine. I cannot promise I will be entirely careful.
What Bryn hasn't told the others is that their weapons may not really work effectively on some of those within the compound. If there are Dolharib, and possibly fae, and who knows what else inside, wooden, or even silver bullets aren't likely to harm them.
I do need you to stay out of harms way though. If you get hurt that will be a distraction. So do what is necessary to get out safely.


It does take the witches a while, but when Ria feels that they have all of the information, she returns. Noting the hand holding between vampire and sorcerer, she wrinkles her nose. It figures that Bryn would be involved with one of them.
"The magic is not entirely human, but if we break enough of the bonds, we should be able to use magic. We'll need the sorcerers when they're ready as well. I've got the spell we need to break it, but we have to remain outside of the dome of the barrier magic, and surround it, and we'll need everyone."
Pointing at Bryn, she sighs. "That means you as well. We'll take Christian on the witch side, but you need to help the sorcerers to keep our numbers even."


Yes, Bryn. Sera wants to point out that she will heal much more quickly and easily than he will, but she doesn't want to be a distraction. She might not stay entirely out of harm's way, but she will stay out of Bryn's way so that he's not focused on her.
She tilts her head curiously at Ria's statement. "Is that only to take the barrier down or will you have to remain outside of it the entire time?" Serafine isn't ashamed to admit and show that she knows very little about magic. It will change their strategy if they don't have the full force of the magic users with them.


As if on cue, Kieran and Gideon return from the dark of the woods. Aside from a bit of mussed hair and a rip in his shirt, Gideon looks to be as flawless and impeccable as he was when he departed. Kieran, however, looks as though he's been wrestling with a bear, although it's very clear that he was the winner.
The blue eyed vampire is shoving and pushing a wolf along in front of him. The man is scruffy and has a clearly feral glint in his eyes. He's halfway between wolf and human, with a slightly elongated snout and sharp teeth dripping with saliva.
"It took a little bit of convincing, but our friend has decided to play nice," Kieran announces, forcing the werewolf to the ground. "He's not above singing the praises of his Master, and that's about the only thing we haven't been able to get out of him. A name."


"Even I have been unable to suss it out of him with glamour," Gideon sighs. His brow furrows a bit, and it's clear that bothers the vampire. "I am able to break most glamours and I suspect this one is enhanced with fae magic or other such magics. Still, he will tell us what we need to know to get inside and navigate the facility."


Bryn waits long enough for the sorcerers to rejoin them with Christian, and nod them toward the witches. "I do understand that working with them is not in your usual repertoire, but one of your own may be trapped in there as well." He holds his hand up in order to stop any argument before it may begin, a frown marring his features slightly. "In order to effectively bring down the barrier and be able to use your magic inside, we need the power of all of us."
"Have a spot of fun, did you Kieran?" The sorcerer almost grins at that, knowing that this is rather tame in comparison to what the vampire likely wants to do.
"Possibly blood, and fae, in order to keep the name hidden. Whomever is behind this does not wish to be found, obviously. If we can bind him, or sedate him, we can bring him back to New York with us. There are those in the city that can help undo the glamour."
"Bainbridge, the map if you please? Let everyone see what we found out about this complex."


Ria glances at the vampires return, and takes a deep breath. "We're going to space out magic users in a male-female circle. Christian will obviously be taking one of our points. Once the majority of the barrier is down, the sorcerers can go in. Christian and I will come along as well. The rest of the witches will stay up here, long enough to ensure the barrier remains down. They can help with healing whomever we bring out of there."
Unless they get the barrier fully down, then the women will join in.
"It'll also help to have people up here in case reinforcements arrive. They can alert us, or they can bind the reinforcements to keep them from reaching us."
Witches may not have a full spectrum of offensive spells, but they can definitely help in other ways.


Bryn takes Christian with him once they have the information. The sorcerers and witches follow, and once they all have the spell memorized the best they can in the short amount of time they have, he motions form them to form their circle around the base.
The spell consists of the sorcerers spilling their own blood in a circle on the ground in front of them. The witches set down candles, in order to draw the needed energy from the flame. A great deal of chanting, and gesturing comes next; the mixture Latin and runic. When the words settle down, the flames on the candles flare up then spill out around the compound, meeting up with the blood to form a large circle. There is a fizzle in the spell barrier and it starts to drop down.
Bryn waits until Ria gives him a nod of the head, and he steps toward the center of the circle.
"Mind the line of the flame as you come over. They need to keep it up in order to keep the barrier broken. The only thing we cannot use inside at the moment is fae magic, which none of us possess."


"Some of us have other weapons." Kieran crosses over the flames with preternatural ease, flashing dark eyes and fangs at Bryn as he does so. His body is coiled tight with tension and readiness. Now, he feels like he's doing something instead of just standing around uselessly and waiting.


"Allow us to lead the forward charge," Gideon suggests. His eyes shift to vampiric black, ink-filled sockets scanning the land before them. "Four vampires can easily overcome the werewolf patrols, and any vampire ones so long as our approach can be masked for a few moments. That will allow you magic users to conserve more of your power until we are inside." Gideon knows that offensive spells take a bit more power than defensive.
"To quote the American colloquialism, all hell will break loose soon enough."


"Yes, most of us do." Weapons do not always come in metallic options, or teeth. Bryn can tell that there is a change in Kieran, the readiness. He knows the vampire will need to knock some heads together, and he doesn't blame him.
"Of course. We can easily mask your movements. Just be sure to cut off any screams before they happen, and you will be fine."


Ria blinks, and wipes her hands on her jeans.
"Really? You're going to let those four go ahead? Kill everyone?"

"Subdue," Bryn tells her. "If killing is necessary, they are the best for it. You would not kill anyone if it came down to it." He would but he's not going to let in on that at the moment.

"Fine. Whatever. Let's just get them silenced, and get Brooke out of there."


Kieran has no intention of 'subduing' the guards and patrols. As far as he's concerned, they're part of the problem. Leaving an enemy at one's back is never a wise move. If the witches have a problem with things getting a bit messy, well, that's their problem, not his.
He gives a look to Gideon and Sera which communicates as much and then heads toward toward their final destination.


"If you would prefer for us to do this with minimal loss of life, then I am to assume that you will be responsible for keeping the guards subdued?" Gideon lifts his gaze, focusing it directly on Ria. It's not sarcastic or patronizing. He may well be asking her what she ate for breakfast or if she prefers red wine or white with her meal.


"And my sister," Christian says when he hears what Ria says. He's trying not to think about the vampires killing versus subduing werewolves. He focuses on Siobhan and the twinging he's been getting from the ring that told him she'd been hurt. It's better now, and he knows she still alive, but it makes him that much more eager to get to her.


"We're not going to leave anyone behind," Serafine tells the young witch. The wolf guard whom Kieran and Gideon captured supported Gideon's belief that there are more than two hybrids down there being held against their will.


"You four will do what is necessary to ensure our safe entrance to the compound. These are rogue werewolves, and likely quite feral. If you cannot subdue them, then kill them." Bryn glances at Ria as he says it, knowing that he won't be earning any points for that. He doesn't care.
"If you do manage to subdue any, I will have Bainbridge treat them with something to prevent transformation, and bind them. Just send a message via Serafine when you are finished and we can follow behind."
"Siobhan and Brooke are our main priority, Christian. Though there are bound to be others inside, and it could take us hours to get them all out, depending on their physical and emotional states. Once we have your sister out, if you want to come up to the surface with her, I fully understand."


Kieran can still hear the conversation, but he's far enough away that he won't turn around and bite the witch's head off, Brooke's relative or not. He stills, hearing movement nearby and slowly shifts to full vampiric features as he picks up the low growl of an approaching wolf. It's a warning growl; the wolf doesn't quite realize that the threat is very real.
The wolf isn't given time to realize it. Kieran waits until the wolf spies him and leaps with another growl. Nothing more than the sound of an animal that's spotted possible prey. The last sound it will make as Kieran grabs it by the snout as he flips it around and sharply twists the neck until it cracks.
"One down," Kieran murmurs to the dark, tossing the wolf's body aside like so much trash.
He doubts the others will be as easy.


Gideon gives a nod to Bryn and signaling for Aalina, the pair hurries off as well. They're heading in the same direction as Kieran, but spacing themselves out. He knows that Serafine will follow after her Maker, and it's probably the best configuration. No doubt the pair are quite good at hunting this way together.


"Thank you," Christian says quietly. He knows what his objective is, and that it's best to get his sister - and himself - out of harm's way as soon as possible. Depending on her state of mind and injuries, though, if there are others there, then his sister might not be so game on that idea.
But one problem at a time.


Bryn gives Kieran several seconds of a head start before he turns to Ria and simply orders, "Cover them with magic. Do not go into the woods yet, but do your best to cover any traces of them. I know that you can handle the spell far better than I."
Then he turns to Christian with a shrug. "If I had a sibling in this predicament, I would do the same thing. Once you find her, you will be too distracted with her potential injuries to be of much help."
"And I did promise your father that I would keep you as safe as possible." A glance is given to the Reynard sorcerers as they join them. "Once we get inside, the goal will be to subdue, or maim. If that does not work, or anyone on the inside attempts to harm you and you cannot do anything but… kill them." It is crass, and not Priory protocol, but Bryn isn't in the mood for dragging them all back to New York. Nor does he think the Priory office in Maine is equipped to deal with a load of feral werewolves and rogue vampires.
"There are perhaps one or two that Gideon would like to have remain alive, and you can be certain that he will find them, or they will be spelled enough that you cannot harm them. If you run into any of those, fight your way through if possible, if not, retreat. Randall will hardly be happy with me if I get any of you killed."
Actually, he doubts that Randall would give a bloody hell about them, but he poses it that way regardless.
"Christian, when we move in, I want you to stay with me. Ria can take up the rear or go with one of the sorcerers. Having both sets of magic will come in handy. Everyone, prepare to move as soon as we get word."


Clearing the way is not as easy as Kieran's first kill. The first few attacks are fairly easy, but even with the spells, the wolves sense something is wrong and are anticipating the attacks by the time the vampires reach the inner circle.
The fighting is more intense there, and the primary goal being to not allow those outside to alert those inside to sound an alarm. Four vampires join the fray, well trained fighters, but using the wolves as shields and weapons keeps them occupied until they can be dispatched.
"Well that was fun," Kieran remarks, kneeling by the entry door. He's filled with adrenaline and the thrill of the fight and the kill. Covered in blood and dirt and sweat, and he's well into his element. "Let's get the witches and sorcs down here so we can move on, yeah?"


Sera has lost her demure contained composure during the fray. Strands of hair have escaped from where she gathered it in a bun. Clothes are torn, and blood - mostly not hers - covers her as well. She's in the same place as her Maker, riding quite high on the freedom and vampire instincts that run through her blood at the moment.
She isn't so far gone though, that she doesn't grab the nearest body and hoist it over her shoulders. "I think that it's best the boy doesn't see this carnage." The vampiress is not concerned about the sensitivities of the witches, or the sorcerers. If the latter even have any.
As she stealthily carries the body deeper into the shadows away from the entrance, she contacts Bryn. All clear.

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