Claim to FameAward winning romance author, under her current alias of Sera Roche, and owner of Galerie Montage Biography
Character DetailsSerafine is a rarity among vampires, in that she still holds quite closely to her humanity. She is identified and described as being more human than most other vampires, even among the Karneros bloodline who are known for the ease at which they blend in and relate to humans. This "humanity" is often a point of some contention, as other vampires see it as a weakness. Serafine has learned that it is a strength, however, because being so "human," allows her to blend more easily with the humans from which she must feed. Serafine is playfully flirtatious, quick to turn up a coy smile or offer a teasing indulgence. She has a vibrant, vivacious personality, and her exuberance comes through as energetic and often young and childlike, and is often contagious. She is not as quick to mask or hide her emotions, and the heat and passion of the Karneros means she feels things quite strongly. The downside of this is that she shows happiness as quickly and easily as she does anger or sadness, and to those who know her well, she can be quite mercurial in private. Her attachment to her humanity is Serafine's biggest flaw as well. She has been known to grow attached to particular humans and grow invested in them. Relationships
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Serafine Roche Blackwell